There was no question about it: when AHC’s CEO put the knit glove on and held a hissing 2300° butane lighter two inches below his palm for six seconds, we knew we were seeing something special. AHC had purchased the assets and patents of a Texas company called Carbtex®, whose core product, also called Carbtex®, neither burns readily nor transfers heat.
We came aboard as the new company put its feet to the ground. The issues within our purview were branding, marketing, web and PR strategies. The company needed sales support materials and a booth for an imminent trade show. They needed immediate communications solutions, but they also wanted to ensure that the branding and the messages would survive the initial marketing burst.
We framed the discussion of communications strategy for roundtable conversations with management and supported work on initial goals.
Over time, the product strategy evolved from manufacturing FR fabrics to manufacturing FR garments. The company has been branded as AHC, reserving the Carbtex® name for the core product, which is being positioned as a singular brand of its own. A graphic identity has been developed for both.
We created a starter website that focuses on solutions for prospective customers. The product line was introduced to the industry at the 2006 National Safety Congress Expo in San Diego, where AHC’s booth drew crowds that often blocked the aisle.
Work continues on the web site, marketing communications materials, packaging and the PR.